How To Connect With Your Soul and Receive Divine Guidance

Our minds tell us what we want to hear.  Our Souls tell us the truth.

Are you searching for answers, clarity, and direction that is aligned with your highest good?

Do you want to live and respond to life in a way that is authentic and true to you?

Well, I have good news. You can stop searching. It sounds cliché but all the answers lie within you.

Your Soul knows exactly what you need at any given moment. It’s the deepest, wisest part of yourself. Its intelligence can guide you way beyond the mind. Listening to your inner guidance is the key to living a heart-based, soulfully aligned life that offers endless possibilities.

You don’t have to be physic or have special intuitive abilities for Soul communication. Your Soul is a part of you and anyone can do it.

In this article, I’ll show you how to communicate with your Soul and receive all its inner wisdom.

Connect through automatic writing

Hands down, the most effective and easiest way for me to connect with my Soul is through automatic writing.

Automatic writing is a practice where you bypass the conscious mind and open yourself up to receiving information from a higher source.  

If you've been journaling for any length of time, it wouldn't surprise me if you've already made this connection and you just weren’t aware of what was happening.

Have you ever written something and when you read it back you thought “Wow, that’s really good. It doesn’t even sound like me.”  Chances are you were downloading information from your Soul, Spirit, or another higher source.

Not into journaling or writing isn’t your thing… Don’t fret.

Automatic writing is perfect for beginners. There's no pressure in getting it right or worrying about grammar, punctuation, or how it reads. This practice is for your eyes only.

Choose the right environment

Where you decide to write is an integral part of the process and the energy of the space can help you get into the right state more quickly.

You’ll want to choose a supportive environment that is free from distractions and allows you to relax.

I invite you to surround yourself with items that bring you peace and love. Grab your favorite crystals, light a candle, or sit by your favorite plants. It really doesn’t matter as long as the space makes you feel good and connected to a higher source.

Change your state

The Soul is a higher intelligence that lives within us and to tune into this intelligence we have to experience a different level of awareness. By stilling our minds and entering a state free from conscious thinking we open ourselves up to receiving messages from the depths of our Souls.

How you get into this state is entirely dependent on what works for you but here are a few proven methods to help you get started.

Write first thing in the morning

Connecting to your Soul, guides, and other spiritual sources is easier to achieve when your brain is in a theta state. The brain is automatically in theta during the times between when you’re just asleep and fully awake.

If you find it difficult to still your mind, try automatic writing at the very start of your day. Before you’ve had coffee, checked your phone, or done anything that stimulates your brain.


Meditation is another way to reach a theta state. With regular practice, it will become easier to still your mind in a shorter amount of time. Even just a few minutes of meditation before writing can be helpful.

Listen to calming music

Listening to the right music can distract your mind and help you stop thinking, as well as, induce a calming and trance-like state. There are many options available for free on YouTube. You can search for theta waves, focus sounds, meditation music, and 432 Hz or 528 Hz music to name a few. My new favorite channel for this type of music is 5D Vibes. You can check it out here.

Let the words flow

You’re in the right environment, you’ve cleared your head, and now it’s time to start writing.  Grab a pen and paper or a computer (if typing is your thing).

Tip: You may want to try both. Automatic writing only works for me when I use pen and paper. There is a magical connection that I cannot attain while sitting at the computer.

When you first begin, address the source you want to communicate with. I like to start with Dear Soul, Dear Source, Spirit guides – you get the picture.

Next set an intention or ask a question about what you're seeking guidance with. Allow your writing to follow freely.

As the words flow onto the paper do not judge or edit what’s coming through. It doesn’t matter if it makes sense to you or not. Stay open and continue writing until you intuitively feel it’s time to stop.

There you have it. A powerful but simple process to receive guidance from the deepest, wisest part of yourself.

How do you know you’re not making it up

At first, you might think you're making it all up and that's ok. You are one with your Soul so some of the messaging will sound like you but there are some distinctions.

The conversation between you and your Soul will be written in the second person. It will be addressed and read as if someone is talking to you.

Your Soul wants the best for you. The guidance you receive will be delivered in a tone that is kind, supportive, and loving. There will never be any negative ‘self-talk’. If you typically don't talk to yourself in a positive way, you can guarantee you’ve tapped into your Soul.  

The information you are receiving is wise and concise. The Soul doesn't fluff. It tells you what is in alignment with your highest good. Don’t be surprised if it’s not what you expected to hear or if something completely new is introduced to you. If you don’t understand or need clarity you can ask another question or save it for your next session.

In 2019, I inquired with my Soul for guidance surrounding my health. The message I received was to step back from my business. This didn’t make any logical sense but I trusted it anyway.

And I’m happy I did.  

Not only did my health improve but I figured out why I had chronic fatigue and kept experiencing burnout.

I came back to my business refreshed, with new ideas, and a new way to run things without burning myself out ever again.

This would not have happened had I done the logical thing and ignored the wisdom of my Soul.


Automatic writing is a wonderful practice to connect with your Soul and receive divine guidance. Clarity, direction, and the answers you've been searching for are literally at your fingertips.

And the awesome part is – anyone can do it. It doesn’t require any special gifts.

You may have to practice and try different rituals to get into the right state but that’s all part of the process.

I invite you to try automatic writing a few times before you judge the outcome. Don’t doubt yourself or your ability to channel your Soul or other spiritual sources.

The more and more you tune in, the easier it becomes.

You got this!


Any thoughts or questions? Do you already have a regular practice to tuning into your Soul?  Drop me a comment below.

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